Halicarnassus In The Odyssey

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According to the website Livius.org there is not much information about Herodotus life, but in his writing in the book The Histories he gives some indications on which he described in the prologue that he was born in Halicarnassus in the year 485 B.C. approximately. Halicarnassus was a lively commercial center on the southwestern coast of Asia Minor, not far from the Herodotus native city was the island Samos, where is said that Herodotus lived for several years the same as in Athens. The History.com expresses how he was raised in an affluent and culture Greek-Carian merchant family, The author Jennifer Roberts in her book “ HERODOTUS A Very Short Introductions” proclaims that there was reports that the name of Herodotus father was Lyxes and the name of his mother was Dryo or Rhoio and there was another relative that was a writer, a poet of the name of Panyassis to whom some readers praise for being a second to the famous poet Homer, author of the Iliad and The Odyssey. The family of Herodotus disagrees with the laws that Lygdamis establish and for that they were spelt to the island of Samos. Herodotus was never in accord with the Lygdamis government and for that as a young man he went back to Halicarnassus to be a part of the anti-Persian rebellion for a short period of time