
Halloween Informative Speech

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“Trick or treat, smell my feet, give me something good to eat!” Many people have sung, as a joke for the most part, in hopes to get something sweet. But have people always sang this chime? Halloween has changed, there is no doubt about it. Halloween wouldn’t even be recognizable if one was to go back in time. Halloween is a day full of spirits, demons, and candy. From the start to now, a lot is to be uncovered, there is even a special day just before halloween called Devil’s night.

Did you know that Halloween started over 2,000 years ago? A pre-Christian Celtic festival of Samhain, Celebrated on October 31, is were this day of the dead starts. The Celts believed that the dead would came back, on this day, and visit the earth once more, but …show more content…

If one looks back, some of the features of the original, are still present. Children still dress up as ghosts and demons, and even more. There is a game called “Bobbing for apples” and treats designed around the apple, preserving the fruit aspect of early halloween. Some things are different, though. The jack o’ lantern for one thing, wasn’t around till the irish had started carving faces on turnips, and putting candles in them to light them up in the 1870’s and around the 1930’s. The costumes for people are getting more revealing, and the holiday is becoming much more violent. Now parents worry about poisoned candy, when in actuality this never happened. Police have never had a case such as this, and hopefully never will (David, par. 1). When it comes to violence, there are kids drinking spiked apple cider, and then going off and doing something not very smart without thinking, like robbing a house (Ryan, par.1-2). This is not to say all kids are bad. That would be a bad assumption. Most kids go around trick or treating, play at parties, go to the movies, have dates, or just hang out with friends and eat the candy from the trick or treat bowl (Elizabeth, Par.2-3). There’s so much about halloween, but what about the special day that was said? Hint:

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