Hammurabi's Code Of Babylon

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There is a question about Hammurabi’s code being useful for anthropologists studying Babylonian culture. The answer is yes, it is helpful for knowing more about Babylonian culture. Who is Hammurabi? Hammurabi was the first king of Babylonians. What is Hammurabi’s code? Hammurabi’s code is a code of laws for the Babylonians. The code of Hammurabi is able to help any anthropologists learning about Babylonian culture, like society, economy, and government.
What is society? Society is a group of people. The society of Babylonians can be shown through the laws in Hammurabi’s code. Law F reveals that there is social class by talking about “plebeians” and references other classes in other laws, like maids. If a man hit a “maid” and caused her miscarriage,