Han China Dbq Analysis

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October 12, 2015
Classical Athens and Han China: How Great Were the Differences? Comparatively speaking, Han China and Classical Athens are two very unique and distinct regions of the world. Peculiar in both a physical and spiritual sense, Classical Athens and Han China vary greatly in terms of secular phenomena, including the varying forms of government, roles of individuals, man and nature, and attitudes in regards to women and children. The deeper one looks into the these varying and systematic characteristics, the more variations one is able to discern. Geographical variations between the two countries demonstrates the need for two very different systems of government. One is able to deduce from a visual perspective, that Greece is much …show more content…

In Document H, it is stated that a citizen who is mindful of the welfare of their state and is less concerned with their own sense of well-being is a good citizen. “we do not say that a man who takes no interest in politics is a man who minds his own business; we say that he has no business at all” (Document H). One can infer from the quote that Pericles believes that citizens who stay informed with the political well-being of their state have more “business” than an uninformed, self-concerned citizen. The role of the average citizen in Han China is considerably different. It is stated in Document J that a man who practices good virtues and has a moral inclination to do good works for his fellow citizens is able to effectively impact the government. “Oh! Simply by being a good son and friendly to his brothers a man can exert an influence upon government” (Document J). It is said in the quote that being respectful and positively influencing others is enough to make a beneficial impact within the …show more content…

Women in both cultures were considered subordinate. They were expected to follow after their husbands, all while being respectful, executing wifely orders/duties and overall, playing their role in society. While the preceding traits varied slightly between the two countries, women in the Han Dynasty, unlike Athenian women, were granted the gift of humility if they were to abide by their husbands wishes and commands. “…if a woman lacked these three traits, she will have no name to preserve and will not be able to avoid shame” (Document R). If a woman in the Han Dynasty were to follow the traits and values, as presented in Ban Zhao’s “Admonitions for Girls” then she would be able to avoid shame and achieve a state of