Handling Personal Injury Cases

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If you are involved in an accident you may shy away from obtaining the services of a personal injury attorney. You may even decide that you can handle the insurance company and court system on your own.
Handling personal injury cases is more difficult than you might think. In accidents involving worker’s comp, there is a lot of paperwork and deadlines that have to be considered. Missing a deadline or not filling out the paperwork properly can possibly cost you financial security. In situations of injury resulting from a car accident, one wrong statement to an insurance adjustor could decrease the settlement you are rightfully owed.
What is it that a personal injury attorney can do that you probably can’t do on your own?
Know What to Prove …show more content…

An experienced attorney can guide you through obtaining the proper documentation that will help prove your injury. Emotional stress along with pain and suffering is also complicated to prove and to calculate. You cannot go in front of a judge, worker’s comp agent or the insurance adjustor and tell them as a result of your injury you are depressed.
There is often documentation and testimony that has to be provided in order to prove the extent of your injuries and stress. Sometimes, the testimony of an expert may be necessary. Personal injury attorney’s usually work with a team of experts that can help solidify your claim.
Know What’s Fair
Negotiating settlements is something that personal injury attorney’s do on a regular basis. They understand from experience what is fair and what to accept. If you decide to mediate on your own, you will end up sitting on the opposite side of the table, facing an accumulation of attorney’s and adjustors that negotiate to save their company money. Don’t go into battle alone, a personal injury attorney can share experience with you and guide you by explaining:
• The odds of winning
• Similar cases and their outcomes
• Weaknesses in arguments on both