Hannah Relationship

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Hannah, living around 1125 B.C., is significant through her relationship with her husband, her son Samuel, her relationship with God, and her loyalty towards Him. Throughout Hannah’s life, her biggest trouble was the desire for a child and despite how wonderful the wish, this constant hunger for a child clouded out everything else going on in her life and appreciation for what she did have. Through her submitting herself to God, she finally found joy and peace. Hannah was married to a Levite man named Elkanah who was a laid-back, ordinary priest. He was also married to another woman named Peninnah because the practice of polygamy, having multiple wives, was common in that day for the sake of gaining more heirs. Back then, the value of a woman …show more content…

It was here where Hannah vowed she consecrate her child to God and she vowed that as long as her child lived, he should live in dedication to the Lord. Additionally, at this occasion is where Hannah meets Eli the Priest. He catches her in a moment of deep prayer and he thinks she is drunk because her actions were so passionate. He soon realizes her intentions and he blesses her by saying, “Go in peace, and the God of Israel grant your petition which you have asked Him” (1 Samuel 1:17). After this, Hannah was fulfilled with relief because she believed that the blessing of the high priest assured that God would answer her prayer. Surely God returned her request and she named her son Samuel, meaning “asked of the Lord.” When Hannah’s son is around three years old, she honors her promise to the Lord and brings her son to the Priests at Shiloh and dedicates her son to God’s works through a special ceremony. At this time, Hannah makes a special song in Thanksgiving to the Lord and her song is the basis of Mary’s song. This song expresses how Hannah was fulfilled with her desires and through this song she was professing her gratitude for God’s goodness. Although Hannah missed Samuel, she is blessed with three sons and two daughters. Hannah went through a lot to have Samuel and she was delighted through his birth and though he was still a child, she knew because she loaned him to the Lord that he will become