
Happiness In The Great Gatsby By F. Scott Fitzgerald

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Money is wonderful and can buy anything the mind can fathom, however, one thing money cannot buy is happiness. In the book The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald we can see this idea portrayed as well through the character of Jay Gatsby. Gatsby has all the riches he could ever want, or need and yet he is still not happy. He does not have any real friends because he has tried to buy happiness by trying to be something he is not, and throwing lavish parties all the time. If money bought happiness Gatsby would be the happiest man in the world, but he isn’t. Money can make a lot of things better, but it doesn't solve loneliness, and it can’t buy friends. Through my short life I have quickly realized having the right people around you is much more valuable than money or having nice things. One thing I have realized is when I have money or a nice thing that my “friends” want to be around me more, but when that money or thing is gone they tend to fade …show more content…

Gatsby has all the money in the world to spend, a huge mansion, nice cars, and a pool. He throws parties all the time and many people come to them and enjoy them. People come for their own pleasure and the enjoyment they have from the perks of his money. Gatsby does this all so he can hopefully find his happiness with Daisy one day. When the large fight occurs at the hotel Gatsby exclaims, “She only married you because I was poor, and she was tired of waiting for me!” (130). He soon figures out that Daisy doesn't love him, and that she still won’t stay with him even after all he sacrificed. Gatsby has used the wrong methods to build his relationships, because he thought that he could buy happiness. He therefore has a lot of fake friends, and he does not feel happy because he is alone. Real friends do not care about your money and the things you give them, they care about you as a

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