Haramba Research Paper

183 Words1 Pages
haramba is a god to us. he was a god for everyone. why did they kill him? is it because he 's a gorilla?haramba is a god to us. he was a god for everyone. why did they kill him? is it because he 's a gorilla?haramba is a god to us. he was a god for everyone. why did they kill him? is it because he 's a gorilla?haramba is a god to us. he was a god for everyone. why did they kill him? is it because he 's a gorilla?haramba is a god to us. he was a god for everyone. why did they kill him? is it because he 's a gorilla?haramba is a god to us. he was a god for everyone. why did they kill him? is it because he 's a gorilla?haramba is a god to us. he was a god for everyone. why did they kill him? is it because he 's a gorilla?haramba is a god to us.