Hard Lessons: Movie Review: Reaction To Hard Lessons

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The School of Education

Master of Arts in Educational Management

ENG 506 (Online) Academic Writing (Leadership Studies Focus)

Reaction to Hard Lessons

Ainura Iskandarova

Fall 2016

The purpose in the “Hard Lessons” movie is to unite the human mass who is mixing up religious and political values under system of education. This aim has the same tone with the concept of trust in the book chapter Becoming a Trustworthy Leader (Tschannen-Moran, 2013). This article shows how the five features of trust are interrelated with the five elements of leadership (visioning, modeling, coaching, managing, mediating) to create trust among the five constituencies of an educational system. The author describes that in order to gain trust, leadership skills and character, honesty, good will and sincerity are needed. I realized the importance of 5 facets (benevolence, honesty, openness, reliability, competence) better when I saw them visually in the film. Main character trains the students that in terms of unhappiness they are not alone in life, but there are still …show more content…

Such person notes that, a teacher should be acquainted with capacity of each student and firstly they should believe that they can do everything. As I read in the article, they can gain success when they make their students feel this confidence. We can see the same approach in the film too. McKenna involves all of his students to withdraw from a forcible lifestyle and discover their potential. Speeches of the students in the school event, their participations in lessons, in a word their maximal change is evidence of it, earlier these students fought with each other, having bad habits, not approached to the school as a educational institution. I think that, McKenna's having “honesty” and “openness” factors as a leader, application of these on the students by him were the reasons carried him to the