The Immobility In Harriet Jones's Incidents In The Life Of A Slave Girl

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Throughout life, people experience periods of mobility and immobility but the intensity depends on a person’s situation. As a college student, my mobility happens while traveling to school or between classes; however, my immobility happens a lot more because of having to sit in classes, the train or at home. Mentioning my experiences with movement served as a way to compare with Harriet Jones’s mobility in her book, Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl. While Jones’s mobility differs from mine in an extreme manner, it’s interesting to try to compare to see if I could ever understand her immobility as described in the book. Without much thought, it’s easy to understand that my train rides could never correlate to her torment spending seven years in a dark crawl space. At first, when deciding to write a response about Jones’s account, nothing appeared to mind on what to discuss. Perhaps the chapters dealt with many engaging topics and themes that deserve a response. However, when I attempted to compare my experiences with Jones’s, I found it interesting to consider how a person’s certain situations attribute to their mobility and immobility. Before talking about that, signs of mobility and immobility that the book describes deserves attention. Since the book tells an autobiography report about Jones’s life, it seems appropriate to begin with her mobility and immobility. From the chapters assigned, Jones described many periods of immobility, especially the period when she