Harriet Tubman And The Underground Railroad

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One of the most disgraceful ages in history was the institution of slavery in the nineteenth century. Slavery was a separated issue in the 1800’s. Most slaves brought to America were known as low class people who could bring no good. The Underground Railroad had its earliest beginnings with runaway slaves fleeing from the Southern United States into Canada. By challenging human captivity without direct demands the Underground Railroad played a sure role in the destruction of slavery. The Underground Railroad was the term used to describe a network of meeting places secret routs, passive ways and safe houses used by slaves and the US to escape slave holding states to northern to Canada. Established in the early 1800s and aided …show more content…

It was various routes where they stopped and the conductor their charges were known as packages or freight They would run the station and nothing that was done there would get pass them. Conductors moved the fugitives from one station to the next, that how the station operated to help the slaves. Once the fugitives reached each station are giving clothes for the body to hide themselves. This operation helped both men women and child get to freedom. The Underground Railroad was not really underground nor was it a railroad it got the name because it had to be secret and the darkness was needed. The conductors that worked at the stations were northern free slaves who had no support from the whites. One of the most famous conductor was Harriet Tubman , Harriet Tubman's birthname was Araminta Ross who personality had nineteen return trips to the north , she helped hundred salves escaped. Harriet earned the nickname "Moses" after the prophet Moses in the Bible who led his people to freedom. In all her journeys she "never lost a single passenger." "I was conductor of the Underground Railroad for eight years, and I can say what most conductors can't say – I never ran my train off the track and I never lost a …show more content…

She was brave as most can’t say she escaped and to go back was even more brave. Tubman’s resistance to slavery did not end with the outbreak of the Civil War. Her services as nurse, scout, and spy were solicited by the Union government. For more than three years she nursed the sick and wounded in Florida and the Carolinas, tending whites and blacks, soldiers, and contrabands. Tubman was a short woman without distinctive features. With a bandanna on her head and several front teeth missing, she moved unnoticed through rebel territory. This made her invaluable as a scout and spy under the command of Col. In honor of her life and by popular demand via an online poll, in 2016, the U.S. Treasury Department announced that Harriet Tubman will replace Andrew Jackson on the center of a new $20 bill. The Underground Railroad has a social movement matured during the frist half of the nineteenth century , when its numerous voters begin to merge as abolitionists and as a spiritual impact popular republican faction. The spokesman for slavery where right to fear this movement because the railroad was simply a functional