Harriet Tubman's Greatest Accomplishments

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Harriet Tubman was known for many achievements. Harriet was born on 1820 in Dorchester County, MD. Harriet was 28 during her first rescue and was 38 during her last. She has freed over 300 slaves. She is well known as a person who freed African American slaves. She has done many things that helped many people. She was a nurse for the Civil War, allowed less fortunate people to stay at her home, and she was a Civil War spy. Harriet helped many people whether it comes to living, being freed, or being safe. When Harriet had to make money should make delicious pie and sell it. One of Harriet Tubman's achievements is when she lead African Americans to freedom. I have chosen to talk about this achievement because of the extreme safety precautions she went through to keep her escorts safe. One of those extreme safety precautions was that she drugged babies to keep them from crying. She liberated over 300 slaves and helped them go up to Canada because there was no slave act. In the essay “What was Harriet’s greatest achievement?”it states that “Over the next eleven years Harriet would return to the Eastern Shore and Virgina at least eight times to escort other fugitive slaves to freedom”.Harriet had risked her life many times in trying to free the African Americans. Harriet had done a lot to keep her escorts safe. …show more content…

Harriet Tubman had helped many people as they were fighting for our country. Harriet also tried making money, so she would make delicious pies and sell them to people as they were healing. Her job required a lot of patience. As stated in Document D, Harriet talked about how it she would bathe the soldiers wounds and by the time she had gotten through 4 or 5 soldiers should would have to get new ice because the old ice had melted and she could see lots of blood. She would have to wait for each soldier to dry