Harrison Bergeron By Kurt Vonnegut Dianna Moon

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Heroes and villain are both major role here in this story. Since from the past heroes are seen helping others while villain is seen as making heroes down in his work. Both are equally important to make the work in balance. In the story “Harrison Bergeron”, by Kurt Vonnegut Dianna Moon glampers is the villain and Harrison is the hero. Mohandas karamchand Gandhi is also known as mahatma Gandhi by his follower. He began his journey as an Indian immigrant from south Africa and during the first world war first he worked for the India, to achieve the independence from Great Britain. He dressed simple in a loincloth and shawl. He did a hunger strikes for the poorest classes and injustice people. After the partition he worked for peace and brotherhood …show more content…

Philips Zimbardo (psychologists) best known for his Stanford prison experiment describe about determining the heroes and villain in our daily life. Philips states that, “Nobody is born good or the bad. All human being have the extra power to do anything and become anything i.e. good or bad. despite the heroes he provide the example of nine year old Chinese boy whom he called a hero. It was a story of 2008 when China (Szechuan provience) was hit with a massive earthquake where in the school the ceiling fell down and killed almost all kids. The nine-year boy got the chance to escaped from the hit of earthquake and when he was running out he noticed and save the two others kids who was struggling to get out of it. Later when he was asked why he saved the other kids he just said it was his duty to save others as he was the class monitor. As a result, it is related with the Harrison Bergeron stories of saving other people so they both are heroes who care nothing about their personal goal and achievement rather works for other people as a voluntary worker or military. Same way if the Chinese boy who got the chance to escaped from the massive earthquake hit doesn’t helped other two kids he might be call as a selfish, mean or rude for letting his schoolmate to died on that earthquake. And which could result Dianna Moon glampers and him as a villain who just only thinks of their personal goals and