Harry Potter Alternate Ending

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Carefully stepping out of a brand new red Jeep Grand Cherokee Edward had purchased as a ‘welcome home' gift for him, Harry smiled as he breathed a sigh of relief. Seeing his and Edward's home and land, smelling the familiar scents, and hearing the wildlife nearby sent waves of happiness through him. Unable to help himself, he leaned back in Edward's arms, just soaking up the positive vibes he was getting. Before either Edward or the rest of the family could say anything, the front door flew open and Dobby came bouncing out to greet him.
“Oh, Dobby be so happy to have Harry Potter home again. Dobby be missing him, yes he has!” he squealed, his ears flapping in his excitement. “Dobby promise to take good care of his Harry Potter. Rules be wrote down by Healer Harry Potter is following. Yous be getting strong and healthy real soon.”
“Thank you Dobby, but I am sure not all the rules are needed,” Harry said casually.
“Oh, no,” Carlisle scolded him, acting very much like a father in Harry's opinion. “Until either I or Sarah says otherwise, those rules will be followed, understand?” …show more content…

“I mean Dumbledore is the obvious choice as he seems to enjoy being over-involved with as many lives as possible. He messed up not just my life, but my godfather's as well just by refusing to allow a will to be read. Then there is the fact he created something called the Order of the Phoenix.. I’d have to say that with the exception of Remus Lupin, there is a possibility that anyone involved with that group could have something to do with everything. Dumbledore simply has way too much control and influence over everyone in the Order. I didn't even hear from those I had thought were my friends due to the fact Dumbledore said it was for the best not to write one summer after making sure they were hidden in the