Hate Crimes Essay

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In 1964, the United States government introduced the term “hate crime” within the 1964 Federal Civil Rights Law. A hate crime, as defined by the United States Department of Justice, is a crime motivated by prejudice or bias against color, religion, race, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, national origin, or disability (U.S. Department of Justice, 2022). It is important to note the history of hate crimes spans back thousands of years across the globe, and the 1960s was when laws in America were passed to punish those who commit these crimes and to prevent these crimes from reoccurring (Cheng, 2013). There has been more awareness drawn to stopping these hate crimes that plague the United States, but even with the laws that protect …show more content…

There are a few of the different types of hate crimes which include anti-race hate crimes, anti-religion hate crimes, and anti-sexual orientation hate crimes. An anti-race hate crime usually involves an offender or group targeting someone or another group based on their race prejudice. When a person identifies as a member of a hate group, they are known to show more favoritism towards others members of their ingroup (Cheng, 2013). One of the most famous examples of anti-race hate crime is the large white-supremacist terrorist group known as the Ku Klux Klan, or KKK, which had severe hate and racism towards the Black Americans (Ku Klux Klan, n.d.). This hate group consisted of white supremacists who did not support the recently freed African Americans so the KKK would use intimidation, violence, and murder to target the newly freed African Americans. This group had the main goal to maintain white supremacy in the Southern government and even in their communities, so they would physically and verbally attack any Black Americans and even those who were married to White …show more content…

These victims are everyday people of a certain race like how the Ku Klux Klan targeted the Black Americans because white supremacists did not like how these people were now free from slavery. Since these people, in the KKK’s perspective, were not seen as equal they were then targeted and harmed. These victims were abused and even killed for how they looked, their beliefs in a religion, and their sexual orientation preference. The victim can be society as whole or a small community because of how damaging these hate acts are since these criminal acts are so violent. The violent act of murder can be very harmful to a small community, or the destruction of a religious property can hurt a community as