Healing Intervention Essay

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Interventions Healing interventions are available to those caregivers who are willing to recognize they are in need of emotional support and stress reduction to avoid burnout. According to Todaro-Franceschi (as cited in Capezuti, 2013) explain a Buddhist practice called mindful awareness, a type of meditation that teaches people to be cognizant of how one is thinking, feeling, and doing while caregiving. This type of meditation supports the caregiver to stay in the present moment while becoming more alert to potential signals of physical and mental stress. ART, an additional therapy, was created to reduce compassion fatigue and burnout. ART stands for acknowledging feelings, recognizing choices and choosing to take purposeful action, and turning outward toward self and other. Acknowledging feelings is paramount in identifying stressors through writing or sharing feelings with others in a caregiver support group or with friends and family members. Consequently, negative coping behaviors may surface such as drug or alcohol abuse or eating disorders that need to be addressed (Capezuti, …show more content…

Normally, cortisol secretion levels have a high pattern in the morning that decreases throughout the day. The results of their study showed an increase in cortisol levels by the end of the day indicating mental or psychological stress. These results prove again caregivers of AD health and well-being are at risk (Aboulafia-Brakha et al., 2014). Aboulafia-Brakha et al. (2014) found intervention programs prove to help reduce the caregiver’s stress levels. The researchers compared the cortisol secretions of caregivers of AD patients in an intervention Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) to a psychoeducation group (EDUC) on cortisol secretions in caregivers of AD

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