Level 5 Health And Social Care Essay

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In the ever changing landscape of health and social care and children and young person’s settings there are many pieces of government legislation and regulatory framework that service providers and organisations must now comply with.
For example Care Quality Commission (CQC) introduced the essential standards of quality and safety which are central to the workplace. Every staff member has responsibility for providing good quality social care. Social care governance is the process by which organisations ensure good service delivery and promote good outcomes for people who use services.
It is the responsibility of every staff member, every manager and every service in social care to ensure that social care governance is an integral part of their practice and service provision so that there is shared ownership and accountability at every level within the organisation for the standard of social care being provided.
• Outcome 1: Respecting and involving people who use services
• Outcome 2: Consent to care and treatment
• Outcome 4: Care and welfare of people who use services
• Outcome 5: Meeting nutritional needs
• Outcome 6: Co-operating with other providers
• Outcome 7: Safeguarding people who use service from abuse
• Outcome 8: Cleanliness and infection control
• Outcome 9: Management of medicines
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As a service we have to comply with these regulations and by having regular meetings such as health and safety, infection control, checks being carried out such as fire compliance, having designated first aiders, file audits, medication audits, live staff observations and regular supervisions to not only provide support to staff and identify any training or support needs but also to highlight any areas that are of concern that could have a detrimental impact on our service