Health Care In Canada Essay

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Two-Tier health care system would benefit Canadians because it would be more efficient, retain doctors and shorten the wait time.

Chernomas’ magazine provides information about the Canadian health system that is authorized by the Canada Health Act(CHA) that controls 3 subsectors, administration, hospitals and physicians. The overall economy is stable with the shares of the hospital and physician cost but the share of the health care cost are increasing and the “public” subsectors have a decline in the shares that they spend on health care. The increase in of health care expenditures is due to the private-for-profit sector that is outside the scope of the public system. The use of health care is questionable because of many new and expensive drugs and the decline in inpatients in Canada. Study have shown that private-for-profit health care cost more, provides lower satisfaction for patients and lower the quality than the not for-profit health care. In Canada’s universal tax-financed Medicare, people with a higher income contribute more to the support of the health …show more content…

This may ward against bias depending on their income because the patients are assigned a primary caregiver and they do not apply to specific physicians. A new study indicates that some doctors prefer to choose patients with higher incomes. The study found that wealthier patients are 50 percent more likely to be taken in as new patients by doctors than less wealthier patients, or at least the researchers posing as them. Stephen Hwang noted that the research involved talking to assistants and it is not clear whether the assistants were responding to their own bias or the instructions from the physicians, but it still creates a barrier because the potential patients need to go through the staff in order to see the