The Healthcare Practitioner Should Behave Well With His/Her Colleagues Essay

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Healthcare Practitioner’s Duties Towards Professional Colleagues The relation between a healthcare practitioner and his/her colleagues with their different specialties should be based on solidarity, passion, and respect.

1 Healthcare practitioners complement each other in the provision of healthcare to the community in their different health specialities. One team works in prevention, and another in treatment. So, the healthcare practitioner is an addition, and cooperation with his/her professional colleagues for the patient’s best interests. This necessitates consideration of the following:

1. Behave well with his/her colleagues and treat them the way he/she would like them to treat him/her. 2. Do not indulge in their private issues, and …show more content…

The healthcare practitioner should envisage the precision and integrity of his/her evaluation on the performance of those working or being trained under his/her supervision and should not undervalue the right of anyone, while avoiding equalizing the hard working with the uncommitted.

6. The healthcare practitioner should avoid religious standards when dealing with his/her colleagues, such as avoiding being along with foreign women. 3

7. The healthcare practitioner should not find it difficult to stop at the limit of his/her abilities and request help from his/her professional colleagues whenever needed.

9. If the healthcare practitioner comes to know that the condition of one of his/her colleagues would affect the safety of any medical procedure, or thinks that this condition would most probably inflict harm to the patient; then he/she should report it to the responsible authority to investigate the situation and take appropriate action.

10. If a healthcare practitioner, especially doctors, is called to see a patient treated by another colleague, he/she should abide by the following rules:
a. If the call is from the treating practitioner, he/she should respond the consultation request, even if he/she doesn’t see any justification for

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