Act 2: 42-47 Characteristics

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In the scripture of acts 2:42-47 we have characteristics of a healthy church throughout this paper I will be talking about how to build a healthy church in today’s modern times.

The word church in the New Testament comes from the Greek word ekklesia
“church ekklesia refers to those who have been called out from sin to salvation.” In the New Testament the word church is used nighty-five times. The mission of the local church is to bring people to Jesus and into the general Body of Christ. -Darrell Robinson

Act 2:42 – 47

It would have been great to be a member of the first Christian church. During those times the church was an active educational program on Christ Jesus and the law. People were neither force nor manipulated into attending the church, all the members were devoted to the instructions and teachings of the apostles. Everyone there enjoyed the fellowship so much that they did not want to limit their gatherings to a specific day, i.e. Sunday, instead they continued to be together day by day and shared all that was going on in their lives. Due to the companionship and their pure hearts the spirit of the Lord was able to move freely and as result many wonders and miraculous signs were happening through the apostles.

The members of this church were proactively involved in one another’s business, they …show more content…

In a healthy church there should be continuous fellowship, love should allows lead, there must be communal, members of the church should grow spiritually (spiritual maturity), the preaching of the word of God must never be compromised. There must be accountability, mentorship and there has to be understanding of the basic doctrine. It is of utmost importance when building a healthy church to always remember that your key focus is in people, building people, empowering people and nurturing people. Your core function is to service and/or service