Hearing Loss And Music: Report Of Research And An Illustrative Case Study

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Health, as best as we can understand it, has long been a topic of discussion. The health of human beings has always been and will continue to be something foremost on our minds. It is human nature to want to live a life free of illness and disease. In the United States alone over four trillion dollars is spent annually to combat sickness and disease (Munro). There are many different in which we can attempt to make us more healthy. The obvious one’s we focus on are diet and exercise. There is one notion that should be examined that is far less obvious than diet and exercise. Therefore, on the subject of health, can something as common as music have a positive impact on our overall health and well-being or is it more of a detriment than a benefit?
It has been discovered that a life …show more content…

One of the hearing loss research studies is displayed in the article, “Hearing Loss and Music: Report of Research and an Illustrative Case Study” written by L. Fleming Fallon. Fallon claims that listening to music has the potential to cause hearing loss or other damage. He is a Professor of Public Health at Bowling Green State University. The author has experience with health, but does not have impeccable credentials. The information in this article was examined to assure it is accurate in supporting my proposal. This article exhibits the results of a study, which exhibit the problems of hearing loss when people work in areas with a substantial amount of noise and listen to music while working with this noise. The article also displays a study about how long and at what levels people listen to music on their personal audio devices and how their hearing was damaged because of it. The result of this study was that the mean loss of hearing for the entire sample was 23.5 decibels. Hearing loss increased over time as they continued to use their