
Heart Of Darkness Analytical Essay

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In Heart of Darkness, by Joseph Conrad, Marlow is sent on a mission from whited Sepulchres of the company. Into the Congo on a mission to Find Mr. Kurtz whom’s character is an evil genius. As going to the Congo was a mission of good faith people thought of to help and teach the natives there. Even though it didn’t go that way, Mr. Kurtz a man of many talents was sent there by the international society for the suppression of savage customs, to take inquiry for future reports and guidance. In the novella, Heart of Darkness,by Joseph Conrad, the character of Kurtz moral compass is corrupted by the Congo, exposing the hypocrisy of imperialistic countries.
Mr. Kurtz even though no one had seen him. Because he was up the river at his post, one …show more content…

In this time where nature finally broke him “as Kurtz had done more harm than good to the company” there. As one could argue Kurtz gave into his own desires and realizations in the Congo causing him to lose sight of his objective. a Kurtz steals and kills and develops relations with one of the native women from the village. Leading up to Kurtz wanting to stay, But has no remorse and likes his choices just wants to send the reports back. As Kurtz is an example of man resorting back to his natural state in the heart of darkness when men don’t have structure the darkness of the jungle represents this and says society without structure is lost and impervious to itself as a whole when there is no ramifications to their actions. But in all, throughout the story the know cause is nature who pushes him to insanity in his harsh environment. He breaks under pressure from his inquiry on their discoveries at the post and surroundings in the Congo. which makes him question his morals and values as he is put to the test. Taken by his surroundings and moral traits this affects him in a way one might say went

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