Literature Review On Hebephilia

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2. Overview

Child sexual abuse and the effects it has on victims and perpetrators have received much needed attention by various theorist such as Silverman, Reinherz and Giaconia (1996: 710); Glueck and Hammer (1957:326) and Chapman, Dube and Anda (2007: 359). The American Psychiatric Association (APA, 2000 [7]) have listed various paraphilias in the DSM-IV related to child sexual abuse that are recognised as legitimate mental disorders but hebephilia has long been regarded as a normal sexual attraction.
Hebephila is an erotic attraction or sexual activity with pubescent adolescents (aged 11 to 17) of both sexes by an individual at least five years older than the victim (Campher, Bezuidenhout, 2010:44; Blanchard, 2009:335; Glueck and Hammer, 1957:326).
Blanchard (2013: 677) has upheld an argument that Hebephilia should be regarded as a mental disorder and recognized as such in the DSM-IV. His argument was dismissed …show more content…

They have also noted that these adults who offend choose to replicate their sexual abuse experience as a child or adolescent with a victim of the same age as they were (Glasser, Kolvin, Campbell, Glasser, Leitch and Farrelly, 2001: 482). According to Hall (1996:58) sexually abused children are at risk of becoming sexually aggressive. As these children are sometimes rewarded for their engagement in sexual relations, these children may use these sexual behaviours as a means of manipulation when they themselves become sexual offenders. When sexual aggressive behaviour is experienced, the victim might identify with the offender rather than forming a victim identity (Hall, 1996: 58; Erikson, 1963: 14). Hall mentions that a developmental approach to the occurrence and cycle of sexual aggression explains how different cognitive distortions come to