Socrates: The Development Of Epistemology

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The Development of Epistemology Done By Socrates from 470 B.C until 399 B.C in Athens Ibrahim Mohammed Hajar Antalya International University English 102 Section 4 Spring 2015 Dr.Gustavo Albear


Who was Socrates and what was his relation to epistemology? Socrates was a classical Greek (Athenian) philosopher credited as one of the founders of Western philosophy. Epistemology is the branch of philosophy concerned with the nature and scope of knowledge and is also referred to as the "theory of knowledge". Put concisely, it is the study of knowledge and justified belief, and it questions what knowledge is and how it is gained. Through this research paper many references related to Socrates and epistemology are made from the internet and secondary sources of information. In my opinion the research and work done by Socrates has had a positive effect on epistemology and has influenced it to reach the heights that it is in today, this all coming from a future computer engineer. After reading this research paper, one can …show more content…

He also agrees with Socrates that the truth of a matter or a topic doesn’t lie in a simple definition related to the topic at hand or to the purpose of a simple inquiry, but in fact it lies in the process of inquiry as a whole. Heidegger characterizes the Socratic Method (which will be mentioned later in details) as a kind of productive negation: by refuting that which stands in front of it—in Socrates’ case, an interlocutor’s definition—it discloses the positive in the very process of questioning. (Ambruy, J. (n.d.). Socrates. Retrieved April 19, 2015, from