Heidegger's Existentialism

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For the subsequent chapter, I would then tackle the existentialist concepts of Heidegger, dealing with, as we said previously on Freedom, Anxiety and Authenticity. This is of course is to be taken and discussed keeping in mind man. An overview of Heidegger’s notion of freedom is that, he thinks that man is free, in relation to the care structure. The care structure deals with three concepts which is facticity, falleness and existentiality. Facticity deals with what he called ‘throwness’. Man is thrown into this world, into the specific place he lives, specific norms he’s born to, all the things he was given, these are the things that man cannot change about himself. These are the givens of life. So how is man free despite being just thrown here and given the life he has? Well, for Heidegger, though we were given this specific life, we have the capacity to overcome it. Falleness on the other hand deals with us men, being fallen from our destiny. For Heidegger we have a capacity or capability to reach our potential. But once we fall away from that potential, we then are living in falleness. This falleness is the characteristic of an inauthentic life. This inauthenticity is when one fails to be a person for himself, when he follows to be a They-Self of Heidegger and get swept up by The Chatter. The Chatter is a coinage of Heidegger referring to the social forces that man follows. For example, they say to be fair-skinned is beautiful, and one follows that notion, that chatter, one is then a They-Self in that respect. Existentiality, on the other hand is in contrary of falleness. Wherein in existentiality on follows his …show more content…

As Heidegger presented man is in connection with all other being in this world, though we would not tackle on how man can be affected by his society, we would touch on the connection that man has with his