
Helen Reddy's Song 'I Am Women'

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“I AM WOMAN” Helen Reddy

Pop culture refers to the cultural activities or commercial product, which suits the tastes of the general masses of people. (dictionary.com) Pop culture usually reflect the society value, especially music. Music in the past talked about the current events in the lyrics. The song “I Am Women” is written by Helen Reddy in 1972, which is 27 years after World War II. Helen Reddy wrote this song to protest the treatment of women and to express that there should be a change that women should be equal to men. In the song Helen tells all the pain that women have to endure to gain their rights and women should deserve the right because they fought to be equal. After World war II women have gained so much, but Helen feels that the women still have a long way to go in order to gain the full equality, she thinks that women should speak up for their right. …show more content…

For example, women work in heavy industry which in the old days these jobs are only for men. Before World War II happened women’s lives were very focused on the family, they were expected to be a house wife or as a mother after married. The Feminine Mystique by Betty Friedan were published in 1963. This book questioned the role of the middle-class women as wives and mothers. It also begins the Women’s Liberation Movement. (Feminine Mystique) South Australia was the first state in Australia where women got their rights to stand for election. (AEC) This is the first step that women started to gain their right in the parliament. It almost took 65 years until Joyce steele became the first woman to sit in the Parliament of South Australia. (Wikipedia) Although it is a long and hard time for the women but after times women start to gain more of their

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