Henry David Thoreau: The Negative Influence Of Technology

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As generation evolves, technology also progresses abundantly. Thoreau would say that technology is a great advantage to human kinds, however, it distance us from nature environment, it consumes too much time and money, and the machine is controlling our life. It is significantly important that we know how to use technology properly, or else it can be life debilitating rather than life enhancing.There is a negative advance to which he called modern improvements. For some people, it might be their high of the day for being able to ride cars, watch televisions, and travels. Although it may look as a marvelous invention at the time, it could possibly affect our ability to think, act and speak according to Thoreau.

Since technology is just …show more content…

According to Klein Oak, Thoreau’s view technological progress as counterproductive because it served as a distraction from the more important questions of life. “ He was stubbornly skeptical of the idea that any materialistic improvement of life can bring the inner peace and contentment which he deemed were true measures of progress. To him, technology and the exponential rate technological advancement took a man in the right direction to the wrong destination.” The technology was a kind of change, but it was for the worse. For example, on pg 32, one says to him, “I wonder that you do not lay up money; you love to travel; you might take the cars and go to Fitchburg today and see the country.” But I am wiser than that. I have learned that the swiftest traveler is he that goes afoot. I say to my friend, Suppose we try who will get there first ”(Thoreau, Economy). He is challenging us to rethink how this new technology affects our experience and what are its full …show more content…

However, he is afraid that human beings are taken over by the responsibilities that these techs come within. He wanted us to have a life of simplicity. A true freedom where we can eat, work and say what’s on our mind without having somebody, jobs, bosses, society, to tells us. If he was here today, he would like how much we have used our minds for things, but he would probably be in disbelief with how many negative things have happened from it all. All the pollution, the wars, the arguments over things. He would say we need to find less harmful ways to use things. Especially concerning our environment and