Thoreau: What Would You Like Without Society?

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What would you do if you were going to live in the woods for about two years by yourself, would you be able to do it? Society nowadays would not let you leave without the criticism of everyone. They would not be able to comprehend why you would just leave and live on your own. There was one philosopher that did this and his name was, Henry David Thoreau. Schneider stated, “was graduated in the top half of his class in 1837. “ Many people at that time thought that he was nuts and didn't understand anything but he was actually a very intelligent man. He was trying to solve things out and he thought the best option was to go to the woods by himself. While there Thoreau found three things, what it is like without society, we should dream big, and how much time we waste. …show more content…

He also found what it was like to live without society. He was able to figure out what it was like without the peer pressure of society but rather with you and your mind. He made a remarkable comment saying, “how easily and insensibly we fall into a particular route” (page 385) He was telling about people in society have a strict path that they follow everyday. They go to work, eat then do homework then repeat for the next days, over and over again. But while he was gone he didn't have a certain path to follow, he could make his own. Ahrens stated, “Schools will be open five days a week, from 8am to 6pm” School is on a certain schedule that we follow every day. The bell tells us where to go and when, this is the same everyday for class. This is just like what Thoreau was trying to get at, that us as a society follow the same patterns but we need to expand our lives a