Henry David Thoreau's Resistance To Civil Government

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Henry David Thoreau begins his essay Resistance to Civil Government, also known as Civil Disobedience, by stating that governing forces rarely demonstrates itself as useful and that they obtain power from the majority of people simply because the majority is the strongest group, not because their viewpoint is the most reasonable. Thoreau argues that government only exists for the sole purpose of guaranteeing freedom for individuals. He states that he simply wishes for a better government, not to abolish it. The rule of expediency, in Thoreau’s case, can be defined as government officials putting themselves before citizens so that they themselves can be more practical and convenient. Thoreau believes the rule of expediency is an unsatisfactory …show more content…

If it was not for King’s leadership in the Civil Rights Movement and his teachings of civil disobedience, segregation might still be present today. Civil Disobedience is not only represented in the past, but is also shown in modern day activities such as protests against police brutality. The principles of these protests align with Thoreau’s ethics, as they do with mine. When the police began showing brutality towards the citizens, it was against the citizen’s standards of morality, which caused them to revolt and protest. The consistent theme of civil disobedience has been conscience, a person’s inner voice that pilots them through their thoughts on morality. I do believe in civil disobedience, as a citizen and thoughtful human being. As citizens of countries, such as the United States, we should be expected to abide by the law. We live in a country where laws were created for protection and order. However, when I notice that our laws are not being followed by the people that we elect into office or public servants like police officers, I believe citizens should stand up against these officials. In this instance, my thinking matches that of Thoreau’s. Although I do agree with Thoreau throughout most of his essay, my thinking does differ in the instances of going against the law regardless of what the law is. As an individual, I do feel a disjoint