
Henry Ford: The Famous Father Of The Automobile Industry

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It is almost impossible to imagine to go somewhere you want without a car, especially in the suburbs. Automobiles are really important in the modern society. Suppose all of the automobiles were to disappear today, we would not be able to maintain a current lifestyle like we took for granted. However, have you ever gave a thought about how cars could have been distributed across the nations so widely that we can see cars wherever we go? Thanks to Henry Ford, an iconic father of the automobile industry, who sold cars at a affordable price to the point where even working class family could have afford one. Henry Ford was born in July 1863 in Greenfield Township, Michigan. Both parents were immigrants. Henry had four sibling, and he was the eldest …show more content…

However, Henry Ford did not cut down the cost of labour. As a matter of fact, he increased the wages for the workers who worked in his company. One of the workers in Ford Motor company has claimed that Henry Ford was an eccentric and genius boss. Ford believed that cars should be affordable to the workers who made the car so that the workers could go for a ride on sunday. Ford built a mass production but what he really wanted was a mass consumption. He thought to himself, “if the factory workers were paid a living wage and produce automobiles in less time, the workers would buy the car ( Lacocoa 1)”. Henry Ford introduced a minimum daily wage of five dollars a day in 1914, which is almost double the amount of average workers’ daily salary. He also shortened the work hour from 9 hours to 8 hours (NY …show more content…

He hold a very anti-semitic view and he was vehemently against the jews. He published a book called “The International Jews”. He has explained in his book that Jews are in control of the finance, business and the trade of all nations. He further explained that while jews are not the largest race in the world, they control almost all the aspects of our lives (Ford 4). In fact, the subtitle of his book, “The International Jews”, is “the world’s foremost problems”. Also he claimed that there is nothing that the International Jew fears so much as the truth about themselves or their plans (Ford

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