Tide Rises The Tide Falls Essay

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“The Tide Rises The Tide Falls” , a deep poem about life by Henry Wadsworth has intriguing ideas about life. This poem interests me because the author expresses his ideology about life and why we live it. The poem has a nice calm tone as he expresses his feeling about life and the purpose for our existence. The ideas stated by the author in this poem relate to every living person as everyone has their goals in life and a different purpose to keep striving to live and accomplish those goals.
The theme of this poem is to encourage people to not just live to die.

Life is real! Life is earnest! And the grave is not its goal;
Dust thou art, to dust returnest, Was not spoken of the soul.

Henry is trying to get the message across to his readers that the goal to life is not death. People should live their life not even thinking about death because the most certain thing is that it will come one day or another. Everyone should focus on …show more content…

Henry Wadsworth strategically included the beat of our heart in his poem because we all have one. As people read this poem it will create an effect on them in which they will suddenly notice their heart beat pound. This stanza also appeals to our sense of hearing as it talks about muffled drums beating funeral marches to the grave. This stanza has a metaphor as it compares our heart with muffled drums. Wadsworth has the idea that or heart is like a muffled drum that will follow us all the way to our grave .
Rhyme is the main sound device that Wadsworth used in his Psalm poem. By using rhyme he creates a catchy tune that the reader will absorb. People do not like to read passages that have no type of sound device as it does not interest them. Wadsworth rhymed his poem with an ABAB rhyme scheme. The ABAB rhyme scheme is the scheme in which the first line rhymes with the third line and the second line rhymes with the last due to the fact that this is a quatrain a line with four lines