Hensgen Home Case Study

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I believe everyone on this email thread was aware of my meeting today with Joe Baldwin, Guardian, of Kathy Rennich to discuss her recent return from inpatient rehabilitation at a local nursing facility and her expressed desire to move to the Hensgen Home. Basically, in February 2017, Kathy fell resulting in a fractured tail bone. She received inpatient rehabilitation at Care Springs for fourteen days and has returned home with PT services. Since her return home, Kathy has refused to participate in ADL’s (which isn’t a change in pattern as she refused prior to the nf stay) and is demanding that she have the opportunity to live at the Hensgen Home. Kathy’s reasoning behind wanting to move the Hengsen Home isn’t exactly clear to the team. However, her reasoning is most likely a mixture of her belief that she will be catered to by staff, her belief that she will receive increased …show more content…

The IO Waiver. We discussed that Kathy would not be offered an IO waiver to reside at the Hensgen Home based on her current situation. Kathy is currently not Medicaid eligible because of a trust fund available to her. 2. The Trust We discussed the trust private paying for Kathy to reside at the Hensgen Home. This is an option according to Joe Baldwin. Joe is requesting a mock CPT be completed to determine Kathy’s annual cost to private pay at the Hensgen Home. 3. Respite Stay Joe and Judy Baldwin have a two-week vacation planned in late June early July. Kathy will go to the Hensgen Home during this period of time for a respite stay. Joe will access the trust fund to cover the $130.00 per diem. During her time at the respite stay, Kathy will be expected to participate to her fullest abilities, staff will not cater to her and encourage her to participate in everything. It is the teams hope that she gain an understanding of the reality of residing at the Hengsen Home and will choose to remain living in the community. 4. Medication

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