Heraclitus Influence On War

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Heraclitus was a pre-Socratic philosopher that lived from 535 BC to 475 BC. A native of Ephesus, Heraclitus most famous philosophical ideas were that on change. He believed that the universe is in a perpetual state of constant flux as evidence by one of his more famous quotes, “On those stepping into rivers staying the same other and other waters flow. Into the same rivers we step and do not step, we are and are not.” Heraclitus did not subscribe himself to any schools of thought. Through the obscurity of his work and the general contempt for mankind, Heraclitus was nicknamed “The Weeping Philosopher” and even “The Obscure.” By todays scholars, Heraclitus was general considered a unique individual that influenced much and contributed to the development of the concept of Logos, a philosophical principle for order and knowledge. …show more content…

Heraclitus accepted the fact that “war is common” and “strife is justice.” He believed the conflict was a necessity to change. The quote, “Opposition brings concord. Out of discord come the fairest harmony,” is a direct reflection on Heraclitus’s belief. At the time, the Persian empire had waged many war against ancient Greece. One notable war during Heraclitus’s time, that may have had a personal connection, was the Battle of Ephesus, known as the Ionian Revolt. I believe that, at the time, Heraclitus understood the waxing and waning states of war and peace and the strife needed to overcome the both of them. His views on change and the unity of opposites reinforces this idea. With war so common in ancient Greece, Heraclitus still believed that war was never in a state of