Hero Definition Essay

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What Is a Hero? The main definition of a hero from the Webster's Dictionary is, “someone who is admired for his or her achievements and noble compliments”. However, for this interpretation of heroism, the written definition is miniscule compared to the true definition that is neverending. Even the world of heroes is always growing, and every last one of these saviors is different in every single way. As many people know, Heroes appear differently throughout all of time, and always will have saved at least someone who will live on to know who they were rescued by. Even the villains who are known to be evil, will always manifest in the rescued as being the one who healed them to safety again. The definition of a true hero is someone who …show more content…

You can see determination in many illustrated or original forms even consisting of the ones who appear on the nightly news. A great example of a determined hero is Gandhi, who even once spoken, “Strength does not come from physical capability. It comes from from an indomitable will.” Gandhi is a great case of determination in heroism, for the reason that he worked as hard as he could to resolve the fight for Indian rights. Gandhi was beaten and attacked by many who resented him, however he never gave up, and he kept on going through all that he could to generate his dream of peace. Another determined hero is Meg from A Wrinkle In Time by Madeline L’ Engle, which has a scene that is constructed, where Meg’s brother, Charles Wallace, is kidnapped by the evil villian “It” and now Meg has to save her brother from It even if she is terrified of what the outcomes could turn out to be. A great that seemed intriguing to talk about from the book is, “She put one foot in front of the other with precise regularity, not allowing her pace to lag. She was not thinking; she was not planning; she was simply walking slowly but steadily to the city and the domed building where it lay.” This quote is a fantastic example of determination in heroism, because of how the heroin in the story, Meg, was determined enough to not care what the outcome would be, and kept moving even when she was going up against one of