Hesse's Journey Of The Atman In Siddhartha By Hermann

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Why are individuals expected to fail before they succeed? Siddhartha by Hermann Hesse demonstrates how Hesse made a universe out of words, and distinctive pictures with his engaging paragraphs that flowed like the river mentioned throughout the story. Siddhartha grows in his journey to find himself. Starting as a young Brahmin, he doesn 't know much, but through to the middle and to the end, Siddhartha becomes the man he has been longing to become since he left his home. Toward the start of the novella, Siddhartha is living as a young Brahmin, as a brilliant young man who everybody praises, profoundly respected all through the town for being thoughtful, quick on his feet, and attractive. In spite of the fact that this is all very flattering, the acclaim isn 't sufficient for Siddhartha, who needs enlightenment now as opposed to spending as long periods of time meditating with gatherings of men. At this time in the novella, on page eight, the text reads: "For whom else were offerings to be made, who else was to be worshipped but Him, the only one, the Atman? And where was Atman to be found, where did He reside, where did his eternal heart beat, where else but in one 's own self, in its innermost part, in its indestructible part, which everyone had in himself? But where, where was this self, this innermost part, this ultimate part? It was not flesh and bone, it was neither thought nor consciousness, thus the wisest ones taught. So, where, where was it?" This quote just goes to