High Skates Video Analysis

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High Skates Reflection
Many issues addressed in the High Skates video are still problems that schools in the United States are dealing with today. As a future coach and teach I feel that it is important for myself to realize that there is always going to be problems when it comes to the education system. However, I need to realize that it is my job to fix those problems to the best of my ability.
One problem that the video addressed was teachers getting payed on the performance of their students. In my opinion one of the biggest problems with this is that teachers start “teaching to the test”. In other words, teachers will only focus on what will be covered on the test and not focus on what they believe is important. This leads to the question, “what are they not learning?”. It is being questioned if students are actually learning valuable skills in school that will help them in the long run or are they are learning more of a” process” and learning just how to pass a class. Standardized test can be unreliable when it comes to measuring a student’s performance. Students learn in a variety of ways. A student who can memorize easily is …show more content…

In my opinion this one of the most corrupt things a school can do. An example of this is with my own graduating class. I do not remember the exact numbers but my graduating class had one of Centerville’s highest graduation rates in the last 15 years. But what most people do not realize is amount of students who “left school” or went to the excel center. As time went on, my class would slowly grow smaller and smaller. It seemed once second semester of my senior year came along my class would lose at least one student every two weeks. Graduation rates can be very misleading. There is a number of things schools do to make their graduation rates look