
Historical Accuracy Of The Movie Argo

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Argo, the movie directed by Ben Affleck, the recipient of the best picture award at the Oscars, proved to grasp the attention of many. Based on the Iran Hostage Crisis in 1979-1981, Argo has both accuracies and inaccuracies misleading people with an improper re enactment of this meaningful event. The movie was most accurate in trying to recreate the Canadian Caper mission but most inaccurate with the escape of the 6 hostages from Tehran, Iran. Also due to Hollywood’s intervention in creating this film, many scenes were overly dramatic and included a lot of unnecessary enactments.

To comprehend the historical analysis of Argo, it is essential to learn which event the movie was trying to depict. Iran situated in Asia where the Persian Empire once ruled, suffered an Islamic Revolution in …show more content…

Britain responded by placing a ban on the trade of oil which resulted in a damaged oil industry in Iran. The United States intervened because of the fear that Iran may fall into communism which would strengthen the Soviet Union and cause the U.S. to be weakened of their stance in their ongoing Cold War. In 1953 British Secret Intelligence Service and the American Central Intelligence Agency engaged in a successful coup removing Mossadegh and strengthening the power of the new Reza Shah Pahlavi. With a vast supply of advanced armaments from the United States and substantial flow of oil coming from Iran, the Reza Shah led Iran into time of great prosperity. Pretty soon, the Shah gained resentment amongst his followers for a few reasons. The Shah led a “White Revolution” backed by the U.S. in order to promote secularization with land reform by selling govt factories, women's suffrage rights, national literacy, and giving factory workers equal pay. This would lead the govt in the direction of liberalism and progressivism which was a left-style government away from conservatism, and nationalism which

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