History Of Anesthetics

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A History and Understanding of Anesthetics In the U.S, the use of anesthetics began around 150 years ago, between the years of 1750 and 1850 in Western Europe. Some might ask who is responsible for the discovery of anesthetics, and the answer to that is Horace Wells and William Morton, two dentists who worked together to perform painless dentistry in Massachusetts at the Massachusetts General Hospital. From the time anesthetics first came into use, it has changed the way people and animals undergo medical procedures which can cause a great deal of pain to the body and has also provided many with the opportunity to gain a better understanding of how anesthesia is used and administered through physicians. The first anesthetic used by the …show more content…

Most might think that the only responsibility of a physician is to administer anesthetics, but these physicians have numerous activities, before, during and even after a patient goes into surgery. Some of these duties include monitoring vital signs, monitoring the level and depth of anesthesia, making any necessary adjustments, recognizing potential threats to a patient, and ensuring the safety of the …show more content…

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