Florence Nightingale Research Paper

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The nurses on anesthesia process administrate their patients, monitor the vital signs of patients and supervise his recovery from the anesthesia. Anesthesiologists, Surgeons, Doctors and Dentists assists them. They must be graduated nurses with a diploma of specialized education. Their job is to manage the airways of patients or the pulmonary status using techniques such as intubation, endotracheal, mechanical ventilation, pharmacological support, respiratory therapy, and extubating... also select, prepare, or use computers, monitors, or medication for the administration of anesthetises. Anesthetises are responsible for establishing empathy with the patient for when the anesthesia decrease your anxiety and nervousness, explaining every moment …show more content…

The aspects of her theory are based on: ventilation, temperature, silence, diet and hygiene. These aspects are still part of the current nursing care. Throughout her life the work and achievements of Florence Nightingale were rewarded by prizes and tributes he received in his country and others. She continued to work until age 80 and died on August 13, 1910 at the age of 90. Florence Nightingale is known as: the angel of goodness, the lady of the lamp, the angel of the Mercy. In the 2010 she fulfilled 100 years of her death. The life and work of Florence continues serving as inspiration for the nursing profession after more than 150 years. In 2010, international year of the nurse was declared to honor her legacy. A study on pediatric anesthesia was made on the Presbyterian hospital in New York City. An anesthesia team dedicated safety and efficiency on pedriatic sedation using a written protocol that is essential to a sedation service especially towards the children’s that are being treated in an adult’s hospital. One of the challenges they faced during the investigation was that the pedriatic sedation team is not only giving the services in an adult’s hospital but it is also providing anxiety-reducing techniques for the children

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