Assignment 1: Capable NCO Training

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NCO Development Education and training are crucial to the development of capable leaders. In recent years, senior leaders of the U.S. Army developed and implemented several strategies to achieve this training. All of the strategies, share a similar objective. The objective is to enhance the Army through effective NCO development. NCOs are the “backbone of the Army” in that the NCO Corp is the primary interface between mission intent and mission execution. Capable NCOs ensure the accomplishment of strategic level directives all the way down to the lowest level. Developing NCOs into competent leaders is a complex process that involves continuous education and training through each NCO’s Army career. There are several broad categories of the NCO development process incorporated into all facets of life. The categories are self-development, operational training, and institutional training. Desired outcomes further divide these categories. For example, military education and …show more content…

Tilley added that an NCO also, “Effectively counsels and mentors subordinates and maintains an outstanding personal appearance. Disciplined leaders produce disciplined Soldiers.” (Headquarters Department of the Army, 2015) The hallmark of the NCO is leadership through example. NCOs are primarily responsible for maintaining and enforcing Army standards and personal standards of conduct in their subordinates. NCOs setting the example of professional conduct create a unit climate of discipline and dedication to the Army profession. With a climate of discipline, Soldiers are able to better focus on mission essential tasks and training resulting in adaptive, resilient, capable, competent, and versatile Soldiers.
History of NCO

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