History Of The Death Penalty

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The Death Penalty has been a form of punishment since the beginning of mankind. America has practiced the death penalty as a form of punishment since the European settlers in Jamestown. Throughout American history, capital punishment has been a way to punish those who commit a serious crime. During the early stages, capital punishment was used for crimes such as stealing and witchcraft. Also each colony had their own laws in regards to capital punishment and what was appropriate for the crime. Methods of execution during the early American stages included burning, drowning, hanging and beheading and crushing by stone. Execution methods were typically painful and inhumane. Since they were held publicly, emotional humiliation was also a key …show more content…

Many would state we are just as guilty of murder, if we kill these murderers and rapists, they should spend the rest of their lives in jail because life in prison is punishment enough. The questions still remains, is this justice? Many serial criminals are unable to receive rehabilitation in prison due to their severe psychological disorders. Most of these criminals are still a major threat even though they are in prison. In some cases, serial murderers suffer from a personality disorder known as psychopaths which is “a person with a psychopathic personality, which manifests as amoral and antisocial behavior, lack of ability to love or establish meaningful relationships, extreme egocentricity, and failure to learn from experience” (11). Twenty percent of prisoners have a psychopathic disorder and they are responsible for over fifty percent of violent crimes.(11).While there are rehabilitation programs for psychopaths however, per Dr. Robert Hare leading expert in psychopath and author of the book Without Conscience, states “no program has yet proven to be effective” (12Suit101.com/article/can psychopaths-be rehabilitated-a28604 ). Not all psychopaths are criminal, however in the case of criminals who are psychopathic, they have a higher chance of repeating the offense and their violence levels can increase threefold compared to the non …show more content…

Examples of capital punishment are displayed in many biblical stories in the Old Testament. In the Book of Genesis, Noah has been asked by God to build an ark and safe house those who were righteous. He had planned to destroy the earth by flooding; drowning and killed those he considered sinners and wicked. He only spears the life of Noah and the people and animals that where on the ark.(Gen 18-19) In story of Sodom and Gomorrah, God makes it rain fire in order to destroy the city of Sodom and Gomorrah because the he felt the two cities where full with sinners and were malevolent living and decided to destroy the evil. Genesis 9:6. The punishment of death was practiced as a belief in the sanctity of life. God states “Whoever sheds mans blood by man his blood shall be shed, for in the image of god, He made man” (Genesis 9; 6). Stories in the Old Testament prove that capital punishment was acceptable to the Christian faith. Throughout history Christians have killed and started wars in the name of God because they consider other ways of living where not acceptable and therefore you are not serving God and should be killed in his name. The Catholic Church tried to commit genocide against religions and cultures that did not believe what they thought was the right way. Many people where sentenced to death by Christians for sins that they felt where