Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy Literary Analysis

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Knowledge - Setting/plot Conflict is a main problem happening at the story which is also the main flow of it, and the characters tires to solve the conflict throughout the story. In The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, there is no main conflict throughout story, but have some major conflict which keep continues to flow the story. In the begining, Arthur Dent’s house was about to treaded down for the bypass. When that conflict is solved by getting the house dystoryed, the another big conflict came, which was that Earth was about to get dystoryed to build the galaxy highway. By Ford and Auther getting hichhiked right before the destruction of Earth, they had solved th conflict. However right after they have got hichhiked, but Vogon, species …show more content…

It is contriversial between 8.5 and 9 because the book itself was very unique, giving me a diffrent perspective about book, it gave me shock for two major reasons. First it was suprizing that story of the book was very simple, compared to genre, SF. It was a book that which I can flew story without reading other diffrent summery, reading in Korean or watching related movie, which I did before for most of the books. Therefore, I was afraid to read English version even whith out peak in Koran version. However, I was suprized that the story flew very sommothly. When I realized it, I doubt if I was reading correctly and had to search some articles. Secondly, the humor of story suprized me. The Hichhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy was written at beiging of 1990s, which is more than 20 years old. The world had changed alot after 1990s, the life style, and the development of thechnology, and even the humor code. However, Duglas Adams auther of this book, did a amazing job planning the setting which went beyond the period. For exmaple, the book in the story “The Hichhiker’s Guide to The Galxy” is refered as electroninc book where they have millions of pages. This can be refred as a Tablet such as Kindle, which did not exist at that time. Therefore, I did not felt any period gap reading and even fits to our