Hitler Vs Bismarck

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Otto von Bismarck and Adolf Hitler are both varying characters in history due to their varying goals, like methods, and both making Germany a power to be reckoned with. Bismarck focused on the unification of Germany during his time using realpolitik to keep himself from letting his personal views corrupt his judgement. Hitler on the other hand focused on the saving of his German race and his obsession with making his race survive led to the killing on many and the biggest war in history. Both used aggressive manipulation techniques to reach their goal and manage to get the citizens on their sides and always make the situation favor them. Varying points are how Hitler was never satisfied with what he got and always craved more leading to his …show more content…

He was an incredibly smart, dedicated man whose loyalty always lied with the German (originally Prussian) monarchy and institution. His genius allowed him to see a perspective that was and still is so hard for political figures to understand and that is that you should always have alternatives and be able to change any ruling if it is for the best of the state, keeping opinions and personal views out of it, also referred to as realpolitik. By not being concerned with who he was working with and only having a few keys rules, keeping France weak and staying friendly with Russia, Bismarck was able to adapt to any circumstance and alternate it in order to favor his country's interests. Bismarck used his legendary manipulation tactics throughout all three phases of German unification. During the Schleswig and Holstein phase he was able to ally with Austria and then turn his back on them in order to get both pieces of land. With the Austro-Prussian war Bismarck helped remove all of the German influence in the German states and formed the North German Confederation. Lastly during the Franco-Prussian war Bismarck expertly isolated France and changed messages in order to make France look like they were threatening Prussia/Germany. By doing all of this and executing all of these actions with instantaneous accuracy Bismarck managed to …show more content…

Hitler was the creator of the Nazi Party, Fuhrer of the Third Reich, and one of the worst human beings in history. Hitler first was introduced to severe fighting and extreme situations when he volunteered for the German army during World War I. After the fighting was done Hitler stayed in the army where he was influenced by his surroundings in Bavaria which was filled with anti-communists, anti-democrats, and anti-socialists alike. All these political movements led to Hitler inevitably joining one, his party being the National Socialist German Workers party, shortened to the Nazis later. This introduction into radical, extreme politics later led to Hitler being arrested for a rebellious demonstration where he fired a gun into the sky. While in jail Hitler wrote Mein Kampf, an autobiography plagued with racist, antisemitic, and nationalistic views. The German people may have not fallen for someone so radical if it wasn’t for the Great Depression in Europe which left many desperate for something different that could get rid of all their woes. Hitler’s obsession with preserving the German race and his nonsense talk about how they are from perfect blood made him appealing to all who felt worthless and needed a hero during this harsh time. By putting their faith in Hitler the world would be put through another world war, violent racism, brutal fighting, a tremendous amount of deaths, and