Hiyou Information Sharing: A Case Study

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Bearing in mind the previous point, how should HiYoU to bulid a closer collaborative relationship with its suppliers? It has been found that the information barrier hinder the efforts of HiYoU to improve relationship with its suppliers. With the arrival of the internet, new and hitherto unexpected channels for sharing information have become available to supply chain players as Ramanathan and Gunasekaran (2014) state. Our field study underscores the importantce of information sharing to support supply chain collaboration, first part of this will point out the dimensions of information sharing. Koçoğlu, İmamoğlu, İnce, and Keskin (2011) develope a scale of twenty two items categorized in four dimensions of information sharing: information sharing with customers, information sharing with suppliers, …show more content…

This part will focus on information sharing with suppliers within the entire supply chain. Information sharing with supplies which means to share the flow of information such as sales data, demand forecasts, order processing or inventory information with them.
This quote from Kumar and Banerjee (2014) state that information exchange is a basic form of collaboration. Barratt and Oliveira (2001) also state that most of the collaborations in recent days have information sharing as the core element. HiyoU is driven by customers demand creation requiring the stock, availability and fulfilment of a wide variety of grocery products. In order to sustain competitive advantage in the local supermarket environment, it seems HiYoU shoule participate more and more in demand-driven supply chains throughout information sharing that to be able to adapt the flexiblity of the changes in customers tastes and preference. However, our interview record shows that HiYoU will only use theirs inventory and sales data for forcasting and marketing analysing in

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