
Holling's Father, Mr. Hoodhood In The Wednesday Wars

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In the book Wednesday Wars a character that helps Holling grow is his father, Mr. Hoodhood. People always question themselves, they are always trying to perfect everything they do. Everyone does it, because everyone wants to be better. They want to achieve their goals in life and be successful. They will also do almost anything to gain perfection. Whether it’s gain in wealth, jobs, friends, relationships, or anything you could imagine. They will perfect themselves and what they do until this all manifests. So when you see characters in movies or books you also see that they indeed do it too. In the book The Wednesday Wars you see this is the main character’s family, especially the father. The main character Holling strives to become better, …show more content…

For example at the end of the book Holling finally stands up to his father. After Danny's bar mitzvah, Holling's father mocks the ceremony. Holling tells his father that it was meaningful, and more important to become a man than having the perfect career. Holling had finally developed the courage to tell his father that he does not want to become like him cold-hearted, cutthroat, and obsessed with appearance.(pg 260-261)As shocking as in any other story as if Mr.Hoodhood was a school bully that picked on Holling, if it wasn’t for Mr.Hoodhood picking on him Holling wouldn't had discovered a whole new side of himself .Another scene in the book where Holling’s confidence came into play with his father was when his sister, Heather, runs away, Holling stands up to his dad and helps his sister get home safely.(pg 125) He also begins to integrate more into his community. Mr.Hoodhood helps his son (Holling) with his self- transformation. Added to that in the beginning Holling isn’t a fan of running, and doesn't find compassion for running until the end of the book. …show more content…

(pg 261)Even though I am the oldest I can still relate to his thoughts of when it’s hard standing up to people especially when it comes to my parents. Being the oldest it’s hard explaining to my parents the type of freedom I need while being an adult. For so long I had just brushed it off my shoulder and made sure whatever they said went. However with me being an adult now some of the rules they have for my other siblings who are younger still include me in them.Not sitting down with my parents and actually having a conversation with them is very difficult because the lack of my self -confidence in standing up to my parents. Unlike Holling though, being the oldest and setting that tone for when my siblings get my age is also a struggle. On the other hand when they do reach my age I don’t want them to feel like they're too scared to stand up to them as well. So when I had read in the book when Holling stood up to his dad it made me think how it would be if I’d done the same

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