Holocaust Persuasive Essay

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The Holocaust, an event in which six million people were innocently murdered. German Fuher Adolf Hitler targeted all Jewish citizens because he believed that they were a threat to the German community. He believed that Germans were superior and wanted to remove other groups of non-Aryans from existence. He decided on the final plan to solve the Jewish question in 1941 and started planning it in January of 1942. This final plan was meant to kill eleven million Jews but resulted in the murder of six million. Besides Adolf Hitler, Nazi soldiers, S.S. leaders, and the American government were most responsible for the Holocaust because Nazis actively murdered millions of Jews in many heinous ways, S.S. leaders initiated killing camps all around …show more content…

Clearly, the United States government did not want to take part in helping the Jews because “hundreds of petitions were sent to the State Department, but the US government made no official statement against the German regime” (“Americans and the Holocaust”). The reader can infer that US government did not want to take part in saving the Jews unless it physically affected them. Selfishly, the American government officials were bystanders while millions of people were getting murdered. Hundreds of citizens in the US were trying to get America involved but the state department simply ignored it. To add more fuel to the fire, the state department hid news information from the residents in the United States to avoid getting pressured to aid the Jews, they thought that if the people did not have access to the media, then they would protest less (“Americans and the Holocaust”). This demonstrates how the state department was fully aware of what was happening in Germany and other countries around it, but they attempted to hide it from the public. If America used their military earlier, than the amount of people that were killed would have been significantly lower if they had taken charge to stop the Nazis before the mass murders began and before the Nazis got …show more content…

Those who believe this idea claim that as the Jews were being killed their German neighbors did nothing to help. Although it may seem like German citizens played a large part role in the cruelty that was the Holocaust, the citizens had no chance at defeating Hitler without the help the government leaving them incapable of stopping Hitler opposed to America who had the government and the military on their side. What makes America more responsible for the Holocaust is that fact that the US government officials were outsiders who decided to do nothing even though they would have the support of the country and the help of United States military. Unlike America, if German bystanders wanted to fight back, then they would be fighting their own government without the military because Hitler would use the German military to take down those who were rising against his ideologies. This leaves America more responsible because even though they had the help of the military, they did not help the suffering Jews. An example of this would be the government lying claiming that they had saved 580,000 Jewish refugees, this was soon proven as false (“Americans and the Holocaust”). Instead of truly helping Jews who were being killed by the minute, the state department lied about it. This implies that the American government was aware of what they should have been doing to help but they simply did not. To add, the