Holyoke George Whitefield Analysis

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Holyoke’s opposes George Whitefield’s work. Holyoke justifies his stance by placing priority on academics. In lieu of the expectations of the president, Holyoke defends reason against emotion. Holyoke deliberately avoids the emotional aspects of the subject, while pinpointing his argument against Reverend Whitefield. Proceeding to state, “Now that we may fpeak clearly upon his Head, we mean by an Entbufiaft, one that acts, either according to Dreams, or fome Impreffions upon his Mind.” (4). Whitefield 's theological approach provided Holyoke with reason to reject to the reverends method of preaching, simply because it wasn’t taught. A set of standards should be met for all preachers, the prevailing theological instruction that began with early Puritanism roots would become inapplicable. Holyoke criticizes Whitefield because he neglects to show “Talent at inftructing the Mind,” an argument that would raise concern as it is most pertinent for the president of the school to determine. However, Holyoke does not place enough emphasis on what is truly important, or as he views as a lack of talent. Instead, he chooses to find flaws in Whitefield and questions the opposition 's argument. …show more content…

Additionally, he stipulates that Whitefield denounced Harvard’s methods, including the school 's educational choices. After stating that he could take it upon himself to monitor what students are taught and read. Holyoke doesn’t approve of Whitefield’s Proffer, the Testimony continues to state, “As for Universities, I believe it may be faid, Their light is now become Darknefs,” (10). Lastly, he concludes his opposition with, “We had nothing againft the Man, either Enthaufiaft, an uncharitable or delufive Perfon, yet we apprehend this Itinerant Manner of preaching to be of the work of pernicious Tendency.”