How Did The Supreme Court Review The Case Of Brown V Board Of Education

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“All men are created equal…” a statement written in the US constitution that would not be true until 1954 when the U.S Supreme Court reviewed the case of Brown v Board of Education. Although the civil war ended, history reveals that blacks in America would continuously have to fight for equal rights. Pessy v Ferguson and Brown v Board of Education are two landmark cases that impact America immensely. Each case indefinitely describes and defines segregation and racism. In government, as in anything in life, things only change when people take a stand. Change is the only constant thing in life, therefore we must pursue it. The case of Homer Plessy v The State of Louisiana was reviewed by the U.S Supreme Court in 1896. Homer Plessy was …show more content…

Many people from NAACP, the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, brought forth cases fighting segregation against the school board. A total of 5 cases were agreed to be reviewed by the U.S Supreme Court, however they were all described under Brown v Board. Oliver Brown was the father of Linda Brown. Linda had to walk to a colored only school everyday, over dangerous railroad tracks. She was not permitted to attend the whites only school, that was closer to her house, because of the segregation doctrine. The court had reviewed information on why schools were not “substantially” equal to one another. Showing multiple studies on how students in segregated schools had “dangerous inferiority complexes” (, Brown v Board), and that they should not be limited to their learning experience. The Supreme Court heard and ruled that “separate was not equal” (, Brown v Board), and therefore made it unconstitutional, violating the 14th amendment. These two ground breaking court cases are intertwined together, because both create immense change in the United States. Plessy v Ferguson changes thousands of peoples lives, creating legal segregation. This creates excessive unfairness to Black Americans, and creates a more racist America. Fortunately, this chain of segregation was broken 64 years later, when Brown v Board is brought to the Supreme Court and changes the fate for Blacks, finally creating equality; well, rather the beginning of equality. Both of these cases create extreme change for the United States, and will forever impact the