Homer's Iliad: The Evolution Of Artificial Intelligence

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A Beautiful ‘Artificial’ Mind

“Artificial intelligence will reach human levels by around 2029. Follow that out further to, say, 2045, we will have multiplied the intelligence, the human biological machine intelligence of our civilization a billion-fold.” Ray Kurzweil

Evolution of Artificial Intelligence
The human race has fantasized about thinking machines right since the time of classical Greece. Homer's Iliad talks about robots that were made by the Greek god Hephaestus. While some of these robots were like humans, the others were mere machines–such as the golden tripods that served food and wine at feasts. With the advent of modern computers it became feasible to create programs that performed difficult intellectual tasks. The …show more content…

In layman language, if a computer performs a function which, if a human was to do would be called intelligent, then we can the computer has intelligence. Intelligence is a combination of knowledge and reasoning power since the reasoning power construes facts that are unknown to the knowledge. This criteria for AI is a very challenging task given that computers work on binary logic. When a computer only knows “yes” and “no,” it is demanding to achieve results that are not strictly defined. For e.g. If we were required to create an AI thermostat to cool a house, the program needs to have knowledge of the seasons, weather conditions like El Niño and the passage of time, plus it must be able to understand concepts like “warm,” “cool” or “too cold.”, apart from other aspects. While we don’t really realise it - the simplest human functions translate to thousands of lines of computer code. Most current artificially intelligent systems are designed for only few specific applications. One of the most popular examples of an AI application was a chess program running on Deep Blue, IBM’s massively parallel computing …show more content…

Once an effective model of the music listener has been accomplished, then that model can be improvised into a more complex model consisting of the listener, performer and composer – all put in together. It then becomes a self-learning AI system, for e.g. a composing program can get all the required input information from its environment, by "listening" to musical performances. Also, this more sophisticated model can be very insightful in terms of understanding the behavior of