Homework Should Not Have Homework

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Do you know what it feels like to be pressured? To feel like you just can 't do something, or just absolutely cannot complete something? To feel like you have so much to do and make yourself worked up? Well, unfortunately, kids feel this way all of the time. You 're probably wondering why. Believe it or not, the cause for this is homework. Did you know that homework can cause major stress that can lead to drug abuse, alcohol abuse, or even thoughts of suicide? This partly why schools should not have homework. Yes, you might think that homework should be in schools because it can also establish great habits with kids, but homework is not such a friendly aspect of life for everyone. In fact, it takes up tons of their life. You might think that it 's unfortunate, but homework should not occur, and this is all why. Homework is not a great thing all of the time. It can cause major stress for kids. And a lot falls into this. They feel pressured, they stay up late, they 're in a lousy mood. Weight loss. Weight gain. Stress can cause plenty of unwelcome, rough situations, especially in teens and preteens, which leads to thoughts of suicide and drug and alcohol abuse. Wouldn 't schools care about kids ' mental health? You would think yes, and most of them do in some ways, but they do not think about this. According to autofstress.com, homework can cause kids ' stress level to increase from 6-8 times. That 's a tremendous jump, and so much to handle, and that 's where the suicidal